
Scott J. McKenna

Freelance Creative Director & Writer

I was born with a blue-green crayon in my chubby mitt, ready to create. Whether I was bestowing the perfect name on a stuffed animal, winning accolades for finger paintings while demonstrating a mastery of principles I hadn’t been taught, or writing for a laugh with a perfect punchline, my creations have resonated with audiences and readers since toddlerhood. And, through the years, my audience has grown well beyond my parents and sisters.

Brainstorming, collaborating, and refining ideas are at the heart of any effective project. But the very reason an event, speech, or any communication exists is to effectively convey a message, evoke a feeling or compel an action, and the soul of that message relies on strategy. One of my favorite childhood toys let me choose different body parts from humans and fantastic creatures, and mash them up to make something unique and bring it to life. My best monsters had a through-line that made them plausible; they made sense. That idea is behind the approach I take with my work.

Let’s Build Your Creation.



Like an artful Dr. Frankenstein, I love stitching odd parts, thoughts and original ideas together into a new, more powerful whole, and turning it loose on an audience. But, instead of fear, my creations bring meaningful engagement—without the pitchforks and torches.



My creations are eloquent and strategic. I write scripts that share your personality while emphasizing and supporting your message, then coach you to deliver impactful presentations and speeches that connect to the audience—get a laugh or jerk a tear.



Running wild, my brainchildren support you and your team with focused and effective messaging, meaningful updates, and informative communications in the form of comm plans, video scripts, and blog posts. Only the best brain is used so there’s nothing to fear.


Experience by Industry

Consumer Packaged Goods
Virtual Services